Elétrico Enclosure Design Solutions Supplier

Conceção de invólucros eléctricos

We offer a wide range of specialized electrical services

Integrated Turnkey Solution

  1. Planning & Consultation: We collaborate extensively with our clients, doing site visits, blueprint reviews, and several discussions to acquire information about the project and analyze our client's needs and expectations.
  2. Design: The design step of an electrical project is crucial for ensuring system safety and efficiency. We use previously acquired data to generate precise design plans that include all important elements and satisfy the client's aims and objectives.
  3. Project Management and Implementation
    Once the design process is completed and the project has been accepted, our team will oversee and implement the project.
Integrated Turnkey Solution
Utilizing Advanced Engineering Software

Utilizing Advanced Engineering Software

We employ cutting-edge techniques and technology to guarantee that all of our designs are precise and adhere to industry standards, while also taking into account each client's specific demands and requirements. Overall, we strive to provide our clients with high-quality electrical engineering and design services tailored to their specific requirements and assist them in achieving their goals. Whether you're establishing a new facility or updating an existing electrical system, our staff is here to assist with every step of the process.

9 Electrical Control Panel Enclosure Design Guidelines

By following these guidelines, you can design an electrical control panel enclosure that is efficient, safe, and easy to maintain.


Make Your Schematic Count

A detailed and accurate schematic is crucial. It should include all components, connections, and wire numbers. This blueprint will guide the assembly and future troubleshooting processes, ensuring consistency and clarity.


Group Components Wisely

Logically arrange the components inside the container. Organize related components to optimize the process of wiring and maintenance. To optimize safety and reduce interference, it is advisable to segregate power-related components and control components into separate sections.


Internal Space

Ensure adequate internal space within the enclosure to accommodate all components without overcrowding. This not only facilitates easier installation and maintenance but also improves airflow, which is essential for heat dissipation.


External Space

Consider the space surrounding the enclosure. Ensure there is enough room for door opening, ventilation, and access for maintenance. Proper external spacing helps in avoiding overheating and allows for safe and easy servicing.


Use Wire-Laying Best Practices

Follow industry standards for wire-laying, such as keeping power and control wires separate to reduce electromagnetic interference. Use appropriate wire gauges and ensure all wires are neatly routed and secured to prevent damage.


Ground Wires Correctly

Proper grounding is essential for safety and functionality. Ensure all components are correctly grounded to prevent electrical shock and interference. Use grounding bars and terminals as per standards to maintain a reliable grounding system.


Service Loops & Slack

Leave sufficient service loops and slack in wires to allow for future modifications and repairs. This extra length prevents stress on connections and makes it easier to replace or reroute wires when necessary.



Use Ferrules Wisely

Ferrules improve the reliability of wire connections by preventing fraying and ensuring a solid connection. Use ferrules on all stranded wires, especially screw-type terminals, to enhance connection stability and longevity.


Pull Test Your Wires

Perform pull tests on all wire connections to ensure they are secure. This helps identify any weak or loose connections that could lead to failures. A solid mechanical connection is just as important as a good electrical connection.

Electrical Installation Testing

Importance Of Inspection

When it comes to electrical installations, before finalizing and handing over the projects to the customer it is mandatory to carry out electrical installation quality and inspection tests. 

When we say electrical installation inspection and testing, new construction, building, etc. that has electrical installation needs to be tested as follows: 

  • Measurement and testing of fault loop current 
  • Measurement and testing of grounding resistance 
  • Cable insulation resistance test
  • Examination of lightning protection installation
  • Testing of the differential current protective device (DCU)
  • Functional testing of the electrical installation
  • Testing the continuity of the protective conductor
  • Examination of potential equalization measures
  • Testing of bimetallic protections and motor protection switches
  • Testing the emergency shutdown button
  • Panic lighting test
Importance Of Inspection​
For more than 2 decades ElectricalCabinet is providing reliable electrical engineering, automation and ICT services in various industries
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Our track record of successfully testing and commissioning more than 1000 projects and objects speaks to our commitment to quality and our ability to deliver results.
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More than 5 experienced testing and quality control engineers are trained to identify potential problems and provide solutions before they become major issues.
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Why Choose Us ?

Fabrico avançado

Como uma empresa mundial de comutadores, temos investido consistentemente em novas instalações de produção de ponta, permitindo-nos produzir comutadores de qualidade que cumprem os mais rigorosos requisitos locais e internacionais.

Opções de armários

Fornecemos uma vasta seleção de produtos de aparelhagem de comutação, incluindo aparelhagem de comutação de baixa, média e alta tensão. Também fornecemos uma grande variedade de componentes em todas as categorias de comutadores, incluindo disjuntores, fusíveis e uma variedade de interruptores.

Equipa de design interna

Temos a nossa própria equipa de design e engenharia que pode personalizar os produtos para satisfazer uma variedade de requisitos industriais e de mercado. Além disso, estamos sempre a inventar e a melhorar os nossos produtos para fornecer as melhores soluções de comutadores.

Serviço pós-venda

A nossa parceria consigo estende-se para além da venda. Como um dos fabricantes de comutadores eléctricos mais reputados do mundo, oferecemos serviços pós-venda para o ajudar e garantir um projeto de sucesso. 

Certificado ISO

Possuímos a certificação ISO, que é um sistema de gestão de qualidade reconhecido mundialmente. Esta acreditação confirma a nossa dedicação à criação de produtos de alta qualidade que satisfazem as especificações exactas dos nossos clientes.

Entrega rápida

Temos uma grande quantidade de componentes de comutadores para entrega rápida. Também temos uma equipa de profissionais de logística experientes que podem tratar do envio dos nossos aparelhos de comutação para diferentes destinos no mundo.

Electrical Control Panels Enclosure Design FAQs​

1. Why Control Panel Enclosure Design Matters

Control panels Enclosure are essential in the industrial sector. Mechanics not only guarantee the seamless functioning of machines, but they also have a pivotal impact on safety, effectiveness, and production. An effectively designed control panel may greatly mitigate the likelihood of operational failures, improve the dependability of the system, and optimize operations, resulting in considerable cost savings and operational enhancements.

2. How to design a PLC control panel?
  • Step 1: Understand the Old Industrial Machine Application
  • Step 2: Calculate PLC Inputs and Outputs
  • Step 3: PLC Sizing and Selection of Modules
  • Step 4: Decide the Components Layout in the PLC Panel
  • Step 5: Install Cable Ducts in the PLC Cabinet
  • Step 6: Install DIN Rail Channels in the Panel
  • Step 7: Mount PLC and other Components
  • Step 8: PLC Wiring, Lugging & Ferules
  • Step 9: Final Installation of PLC Control Panel
  • Step 10: Testing of the PLC Program
3. How Do You Calculate Electrical Panel Size?

The dimensions of an electrical panel are determined by several criteria, such as the quantity of circuits within a specific area and the amperage used by those circuits. For the majority of residential properties, a 200-amp service panel is sufficient, and the electrical service panels in most residences range between 100 and 200 amps.

4. What Makes A Good Control Panel?

An ideal control panel should have sufficient space for each component to facilitate future growth and efficient heat dissipation. What is the significance of this? Sufficient space for components safeguards the systems from excessive harm.

5. When Selecting A Control Panel, What Needs To Be Considered?

The design and construction must adhere to all applicable industry norms and standards, while also embodying industry best practices in terms of craftsmanship. Adhering to several standards such as NEMA, IEC, NEC, and/or NFPA, where appropriate, indicates reliable functioning and safety.

6. How Do You Number Electrical Panels?

After locating your electrical panel, it is necessary to assign numbers to your breakers. Commencing from the upper left corner, assign numbers to the switches, starting with #1, and go sequentially along the first row. Next, go to the subsequent row, commencing from the uppermost position and progressing below.

7. How Do I Choose The Best Location For My Electrical Panel?

There is a requirement for a minimum of 3 feet of space in front of your electrical panels. Ensuring the waterproofing of your electrical panel is crucial in order to avert any potential electrical emergencies. The electrical panel doors must have a minimum opening angle of 90 degrees. The garage and basement are frequently regarded as the most optimal choices due to their accessibility and inconspicuousness.