Elektrisches Gehäuse für Bodenmontage

Elektrisches Gehäuse für Bodenmontage

Elektrisches Gehäuse für Bodenmontage

  • All Floor Mount NEMA Enclosures include a white powder-coated mild steel rear panel.
  • Mild steel enclosures are powder-coated in ANSI 61 Grey.
  • Stainless and aluminum enclosures have a brushed surface.
  • Poron gasket creates a water and dust-tight seal.
  • There are removable eye bolts for lifting.
  • Ground studs on both enclosure body and door according to UL508A

What is a Floor Mount Electrical Enclosure ?

Floor mounted NEMA Electrical Enclosures are fully enclosed electrical cabinets with legs that may stand on a flat surface. The legs raise the cabinet, allowing access beneath. Mounting may be as simple as fastening the cabinet legs to the floor, allowing for little sacrifice on cabinet integrity.

Floor Mounting Electrical Enclosure of Structural Components

A floor-mount electrical enclosure incorporates a variety of components that function in different ways.

This includes the following:

1.Single and couple doors.

Floor-mounted electrical enclosures are offered in single or twin enclosure configurations with cabinets.

The double front cabinets include an optional removable center post, which allows for simple access, particularly when installing bulky equipment.

2. Continuous Hinges.

These sturdy and long-lasting hinges are fitted to door enclosures. To swing and open the enclosure doors, there must be enough room to turn. However, it also accommodates all electronic cables, wiring, and other components within.

3. Quarter Turn Latches.

These components are common in a floor-mounted electrical enclosure.

4. Screw clamps.

Screw clamps are the primary medium in a floor-mounted electrical enclosure. This is intended to securely attach the enclosures to the concrete floor and provide robust support.

Other components that make up a floor-mount electrical enclosure are as follows:

  • Gaskets
  • Inner Plates
  • Gland Cover Plates
  • Lifting Pad Eyes
  • Ground Studs
  • Rackmount Rails
  • Window Kits
  • Latch Mechanism
  • Security Hardware (consist of padlocks, hasps, tamper-proof bolts, locks, etc.)

Application of Floor Mount Electrical Enclosure

A floor-mounted electrical enclosure is specifically developed for industrial and automotive applications.

That is ideal for use in specialized protective applications like:

  • Housing motor starters
  • Contractors
  • Drives
  • PLC’s
  • Electronic equipements and mechanism system
  • Video surveillance system
  • Wireless monitoring system
  • Closed-circuit monitoring system
  • Cable integration and distribution system
  • Network integration system
  • Electronic monitoring system
  • Remote monitoring system

Custom Floor Mount Electrical Enclosure

Wir wissen, dass jede Anwendung einzigartig ist. Deshalb bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Schaltschränke an. Unsere Ingenieure arbeiten mit Ihnen zusammen, um ein Gehäuse zu entwickeln, das genau Ihren Spezifikationen entspricht. Vom Prototyping bis zur Serienfertigung können wir die ideale Lösung für Ihre Anwendung liefern.
Provide us with your drawing ideas and parameters, and we will produce a custom floor mount electrical enclosure that is ideal for your needs. We can help you with either a one-time modification or continuing support.

Materials For Floor Mount Electrical Enclosure

304 Stainless Steel Floor Mount Enclosures

304 Stainless Steel Floor Mount Enclosures

316 Stainless Steel Floor Mount Enclosures

316 Stainless Steel Floor Mount Enclosures

Aluminium-Gehäuse für die Bodenmontage

Aluminium-Gehäuse für die Bodenmontage

Carbon Steel Floor Mount Enclosures

Carbon Steel Floor Mount Enclosures