IP65 Electrical Enclosure Rating

IP65 electrical enclosures offer reliable protection against solid objects and water splashes.

What is IP65 Enclosure Rating?

IP65 electrical enclosures are intended to offer extensive protection for electrical equipment against dust and water jets. These enclosures are suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications that demand high levels of protection.

IP65 Electrical Enclosure Rating

A IP65 Enclosure For Your Application

Some of the basic types of IP65 electrical enclosures that you’ll find on the market today include:

Features of IP65 Enclosure

  • 防塵保護等級(IP): The "IP" in IP65 refers to Ingress Protection, while the "65" represents the level of protection. The first digit, "6", denotes total dust protection. The second digit, "5", denotes protection against low-pressure water jets from all directions.
  • 防塵: IP65 enclosures provide comprehensive dust protection, guaranteeing that dust does not enter the enclosed equipment.
  • 水の保護: These enclosures offer strong protection against water jets, making them ideal for locations where equipment may be subjected to water sprays or cleaning procedures.
  • 建設: これらのエンクロージャは、多くの場合、スチール、アルミニウム、プラスチックなどの堅牢な素材で作られており、長期的な保護を提供しながら、過酷な気候条件に耐えることを目的としています。

Advantages And Disadvantages For IP65 Enclosure


  • 包括的な保護: Provides dependable protection against dust and water jets, extending the life and effectiveness of the enclosed equipment.
  • 多目的に使える: 産業・商業環境における屋内外のさまざまな用途に最適。
  • 耐久性のある構造: 耐候性に優れ、長期間保護できる丈夫な素材を使用。


  • 完全防水ではない: IP65 enclosures are not intended for continuous immersion in water.
  • 設置に関する考慮事項: Proper installation is required to retain the IP65 certification and provide complete protection.

Custom Your IP65 Enclosure

When choosing an IP65 electrical inclosure, examine the specific climate, the size and kind of equipment to be housed, and any additional needs for dust and water jet protection. Our Custom IP65 enclosures provide dependable protection against dust and water jets, making them suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Choose from a range of sizes, materials, and extra features to keep your electrical equipment safe in any setting. 

